I was at my boat over the weekend and took some photos for you to show you how well the strataglass came out. I wish I had some "before" pics of how my Strataglass looked after the hydraulic fluid leaked all over it, but I don't. I can only tell you that the windows were not quite as bad as looking through wax paper. The windows that were the worst are the 2 on the starboard side. They were so badly "fogged" that you could barely see through them. I tried several other products but nothing worked. I was starting to get prices for replacement. Look what Clear View did for them.
I'm still amazed by the Clear View results. I've tried lots of boating products for various things over the years and to be honest, none of them have REALLY worked completely as advertised. NONE of them have worked BETTER than advertised.....until now. Thanks again for the great product.
Gary Dixon