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Will Alumetron stop algae from sticking to my pontoons


Bob Schier asked:

My pontoon boat sits in the water from April until November. When I pulled it out last fall it had about 16 inches of grass hanging off the bottom. Your Algex got it off but I want to keep it clean all summer because the boat really slows down when the stuff starts to grow. I don’t want to haul the boat to clean it with Algex every month. Will your Alumetron keep the growth from attaching?

BTW I love how your Alumabrite CBX got rid of the ugly stains and rust on my toons. I couldn’t believe how fast it worked and how easy it was. Like you said, no scrubbing. It must be magic.



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No. Alumetron is not an anti-fouling. It will help because it fills in the fissures in the aluminum which makes it harder for the algae to attach. The product that you want is VS721.

Alumetron is a clear, direct to metal, protective coating that bonds chemically to aluminum to prevent staining and oxidation. It will keep your pontoons looking new all summer long, but by itself, it will not prevent fouling.

After you remove the growth with Algex, brighten the pontoons with Alumabrite CBX, then clean and prep them with Boat Clean Plus. They should look new by now.

Apply several coats of Alumetron by wiping it on with a cloth and let it thoroughly cure for 4 days. Now you can apply 2 coats of VS721 below the waterline. VS721 is so slippery that it’s difficult for anything to stick. If you get some slime, just running the boat will knock it off or you can wipe it clean with a sponge if required. You may have some slime at the end of the season but it will wash off with a sponge and a bit of Boat Clean Plus.

VS721 will also give you an increase in speed and reduce your fuel consumption.

Thanks for your question

Captain Aurora.

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