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Will Alumabrite CBX Damage My Vinyl Decals?


Robert Jordan asked:

I own a 2002 Tracker Pro Team 175 aluminum bass boat.
1. – Will your Alumabrite CBX damage the factory vinyl decals on my boat?
2. – Will any overspray damage my boat carpet or the painted finish on my boat trailer?
I will be apply the Alumabrite CBX with a garden sprayer.



For your convenience, I’ve highlighted the hyperlinks. Click on the hyperlink to get more information about the selected product.

Alumabrite CBX is an acid based cleaner so you have to be careful when you use it. It should not damage the decals, but to be sure, do a test first in an inconspicuous spot. Decals are made of different grades of vinyl or other materials, the decorative inks or paints are different, some are printed on the front others on the back, some are over-laminated, some not, so there is no one answer. Test first!

You should protect your trailer and bunks with plastic (garbage bags or plastic drop cloths work well). You can find information on how to lift your boat off the trailer in the Ask the Skipper Bottom Cleaning section. It will give you about 6 or 8 inches of clearance so you can clean your entire boat bottom and also allow you to protect your trailer with plastic.

Thanks for your question,

Captain Aurora

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