Sure Step after it Gets Trampled with Bug Guts
Mark Hoesman asked:
What happens to the Sure Step that is applied on deck after it gets trampled with a bug infestation (knats)! We have several infestations a year and the deck is totally bug guts after a days sail. If I understand this correctly, the Sure Step should help in not allowing the “guts” to penetrate the deck, and allow them to wash off easier. Hopefully only needing a scrub brush and water. Am I correct in thinking that the scrubbing action will remove at least some of the Sure Step? And it would remove considerably more if I used some kind of cleaner?
Additionally, would you recommend Sure Step or a traditional wax for the vertical surfaces. I.e. in the cockpit, the seat backs and the vertical surfaces from the cockpit sole to the seats.
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Each cleaning situation is a bit different and will require some experimentation on your part. I have talked to many boat owners that never wash their decks after applying Sure Step. They just wait for the next rain to do the job for them. Most boaters simply hose down the deck with a garden hose and dry it with a marine chamois. Dirt, dead bugs, and even dried on bird poop are simply rinsed away. In my case, my boat is moored in a marina that is under the flight path of an airport. Unspent jet fuel and exhaust soot constantly reign down on my decks, along with the usual dirt, acid rain, bird poop, etc. The soot is oily and therefore insoluble in water. Once a week, I mix a solution of 1 part Boat Clean Plus to 15 parts water and wash the decks using a mop, rinse and dry with a marine chamois. If there are scuff marks (guests wearing inappropriate footwear) or other really stubborn stains, I use a bit of Boat Scrub to remove those marks, rinse, dry and re-apply a bit of Sure Step to the areas that were stripped by the aggressive cleaning.
Using a scrub brush and more aggressive cleaners should be the method of last resort. The stiff bristles on the scrub brush will scratch the surface of your boat as well as removing the Sure Step. If you must use a cleaner stronger than diluted Boat Clean Plus, I recommend Boat Scrub. It is a very aggressive cleaner but safe for fiberglass. Before Sure Step was invented, many boaters used it on a regular basis for keeping their non-skid decks clean. It will get your white fiberglass bright white. Both cleaners are biodegradable and free rinsing so the will not leave any residue on the surface that can impede the attachment and performance of your protective polish.
Since using Sure Step, I leave my deck brush at home to avoid unnecessary clutter on the boat. I hardly ever use it.
For the vertical surfaces, I would not recommend using wax. When the sun gets at it, it will make the surfaces greasy and release the natural dyes, which can cause yellowing. Most boat owners now use Sure Step on all their deck surfaces, smooth as well as non-skid. If you require a more durable polish for these surfaces, you can use Premium Boat Shine with VS721. Premium Boat Shine is also an excellent polish for your hull. In addition to providing a brilliant shine, it also seals the pores in your gelcoat, protects against sun damage and is anti-static to repel dust and dirt.
Thanks for your question,
Captain Aurora
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