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How to Protect a New Painted Aluminum Boat?


Rick Ibele asked:

Can Alumetronbe used on a NEW Lund painted aluminum boat hull as a clear-coator is that just for pontoon cylinders?Saw the video on YouTube. Can you apply over vinyl decals?Is there any product you sell as a “clear-coat” for painted aluminum boats?

There was mention of another product for below the waterline coating.Is there another product for below water level?….any color difference where the 2 would blend or meet?

This is a $80,000 boat, I don’t want to make a bad decision.




For your convenience, I’ve highlighted the hyperlinks. Click on the hyperlink to get more information about the selected product.


Alumetron is ideal for protecting raw aluminum and can be applied over most paint, but in your case, I don’t know why you would want to, unless the paint is damaged. The factory finish on your boat is powder coated and very durable. Applying a clear coat will not give additional protection or enhance the finish in any way. What you need is UV protection and that has to be applied on a regular basis as UV protection formulas only have a limited life. Think of it as sunscreen for your boat.


For protection of the boat bottom against fouling and to improve performance and reduce fuel consumption, I recommend using VS721 below the waterline. It’s perfectly clear so it won’t affect the appearance of your new boat. You can also use VS721 on the transducers, through hulls and everything below the waterline. Preparation is to wash the painted surface with Boat Clean Plus. The only maintenance is wiping the slime off the bottom, as it appears, and reapplying once a season. If you need to lift your boat up off the bunks to protect the bottom, instruction are in the Ask the Skipper blog under Boat Maintenance > Boat Bottom.


Above the waterline, you can protect the painted surface against UV, water spots, salt (if you’re in salt water), etc., with Kwik Shine. You can also use Kwik Shine on your engine cowling, lower leg and prop and all hard surfaces.


Use Boat Clean Plus to shampoo the carpets and remove fish blood, bait residue, bird droppings and all dirt and grime. Boat Clean Plus is also excellent for cleaning the fish and bait wells


Use EZ Vinyl Cleaner and Vinyl Guard on the vinyl seats. The EZ Vinyl Cleaner is very tough and will remove fish bait, blood, food and beverage spills without attacking the stitching or damaging the vinyl in any way or leave pink spots in the vinyl. Vinyl Guard lasts 3 to 6 months, is not greasy, slippery or slimy and will protect against UV, fish bait, blood, food and beverage spills, mold, bird droppings, even suntan lotion. Each application restores the lost plasticizers, keeping your vinyl supple and looking and feeling like new. It’s a 3rd generation vinyl protector and uses the latest and best technology.


Canvas covers can be safely cleaned with Fabri-Klean and waterproofed and protected with Canvas Shield.


Regular use of the above products will keep your boat looking new for the next 30 years. These products are all System Matched and are also packaged in value added kits for your convenience and saving. There’s nothing else you should need.

Thanks for your question,


Captain Aurora

Richard Kittar

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