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Can Canvas Shield be used on Patio Furniture Cushions?


Darlene Jensen asked:

Can this product be used on sunbrella patio furniture cushions




For your convenience, I’ve highlighted the hyperlinks. Click on the hyperlink to get more information about the selected product.


I assume that by “this product” you’re referring to either Canvas Shield or Fabri-Klean. The answer is yes, both products can be used on Sunbrella patio cushions as well as umbrellas, awnings and other fabrics used on patio furniture. For best results, be sure to clean the fabric with free rinsing Fabri-Klean first then just spray on the Canvas Shield. When it’s dry in a few hours, spray on a second coat and let it air dry in the sun for 24 hours. Be sure to do the top, sides and bottom of the cushions to make them completely weather proof.

Canvas Shield was invented to withstand the marine environment, which is much tougher on your stuff than around your house, so it should last up to three years on your patio furniture. It will protect against liquid intrusion, sun fade, make the cushions easier to clean and still allow the fabric to breath.


Thanks for your question,


Captain Aurora
Richard Kittar

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