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Can Aurora Premium Boat Shine be Used as a Bottom Wax?


D Myers asked:

Can Aurora Premium Boat Shine be used as a bottom wax? It contains VS721. My boat is in a slip in Northeastern PA for 4 months.

Should Premium wax be used down to waterline then VS 721 on the bottom?


For your convenience, I’ve highlighted the hyperlinks. Click on the hyperlink to get more information about the selected product.


Premium Boat Shine should only be used above the waterline. It contains some VS721 which adds to its durability but not enough to make it waterproof or seal the pores of the gelcoat to prevent osmosis. It also contains more UV inhibitors than VS721, to resist UV degradation which is more prevalent above the waterline.

Use VS721 below the waterline and Premium Boat Shine above.

Thanks for your question,

Captain Aurora
Richard Kittar

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